The baby-friendly device measures electrolyte levels in real time, eliminating the need for repeated, painful blood draws.
Newly discovered antibodies break down the protein that causes glaucoma.
The fires enabled the first real-time data on airborne lead, thanks to a pioneering air quality measurement network.
BME researchers combine precision and simplicity in cell-free biosensors, transforming diagnostic tools.
Researchers develop nanoparticle that can program stem cells while inside the body, avoiding the need for chemotherapy and bone marrow extraction in stem cell treatments.
Led by School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Professor Greg Huey, the NSF RAPID grant is for analyzing air chemistry data collected during a three-week span when a chemical plume impacted the Atlanta area.
É«»¨Ìà researchers develop spatial transcriptomics toolkit that provides new insights into the molecular processes of life.
Biomedical engineering researchers explore the role of mechanical force in the immune responses of a rare genetic disorder.
Sonali Kaluri, Seth Kinoshita, and Medina McCowin have been selected as walk-on recipients of the prestigious Stamps President's Scholarship, recognizing their exceptional academic accomplishments, leadership, and dedication to service.
Up to 80% of infections in human bodies can be attributed to the bacteria growing in biofilms, and understanding how biofilms grow could lead to critical insights on controlling them.