
脕ngel Cabrera Portrait

脕ngel Cabrera

(404) 894-5051

Executive Leadership Team

Ron Johnson

Ron Johnson

Senior Vice President of Strategic Initiatives and Chief of Staff
(404) 894-8261
Tim Lieuwen headshot, smiling on a white background

Tim Lieuwen

Executive Vice President for Research
(404) 894-8885
Steven W. McLaughlin Portrait

Steven W. McLaughlin

Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
(404) 385-2700
Kim Toatley

Kim Toatley

Interim Executive Vice President for Administration and Finance and Chief Business Officer
(404) 894-4615

President's Cabinet

J Batt

J Batt

Vice President and Director of Athletics
(404) 894-5411
Skye Duckett

Skye Duckett

Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
(404) 894-7119
Danette Joslyn-Gaul

Danette Joslyn-Gaul

General Counsel and Vice President for Ethics, Compliance, and Legal Affairs
(470) 391-7049
Jim Hall

Jim Hall

Vice President for Development
(404) 894-8219
Luoluo Hong Portrait

Luoluo Hong

Vice President for Student Engagement and Well-Being
(404) 385-0430
Leo Howell

Leo Howell

Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
James Hudgens Portrait

James Hudgens

Senior Vice President and Director of GTRI
(404) 407-7368
Laurence Jacobs

Laurence Jacobs

Senior Vice Provost for Education and Learning
(404) 894-2344
Bert Reeves

Bert Reeves

Vice President of Institute Relations
(404) 894-1238
Abbigail Tumpey

Abbigail Tumpey

Vice President of Institute Communications
(404) 219-1971
Kim Toatley

Kim Toatley

Vice President for Finance and Planning and Chief Financial Officer
(404) 407-6970


Nelson Baker Portrait

Nelson C. Baker

Interim Dean
College of Lifetime Learning
(404) 894-9658
Ellen Bassett Portrait

Ellen Bassett

College of Design
(404) 894-3380
Raheem Beyah Portrait

Raheem Beyah

College of Engineering
(404) 894-2531
Susan Lozier Portrait

Susan Lozier

College of Sciences
(404) 894-3300
Anuj Mehrotra

Anuj Mehrotra

Scheller College of Business
(404) 385-2806
Headshot of Vivek Sarkar

Vivek Sarkar

College of Computing
(404) 894-3152
Leslie Sharp Portraint

Leslie Sharp

色花堂 Library
(404) 385-7590
Richard Utz profile photo with blue background

Richard Utz

Interim Dean
Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts

(404) 894-0511