Utility Location project in effect February 16 - February 27
Utility Location project in effect February 16 - February 27
Feb 16, 2023
Utility location effort will cause partial lane closures throughout campus from February 16 through February 27. The attached logistics plan outlines the schedule. Parking & Transportation will reroute busses accordingly based on the day and closure and the contractor will handle all other traffic control. The proposed plan is as follows pending weather:
- Closure #1 – 2/16/23 – 1 day (10 Hours) starting 7am
- Closure #2 – 2/17/23 – 1 day (10 Hours) starting 7am
- Closure #3 – 2/18/23 – 1 day (10 Hours) starting 7am
- Closure #4 – 2/20/23 – 1 day (10 Hours) starting 7am
- Closure #5 (Curran) 2/21/23 – 1 day (10 Hours) starting 7am
- Closure #5a (Turner) – 2/22 - 2/23/23 – 2 days (10 Hours each) starting 7am
- Closure #6 – 2/24/23 – 1 day (10 Hours) starting 7am
- Closure #7 – 2/25/23 – 1 day (10 Hours) starting 7am
- Closure #8 – 2/27/23 – 1 day (10 Hours) starting 7am
Chris B. Williams
Project Manager II
Planning Design & Construction | Infrastructure & Sustainability
É«»¨Ìà Institute of Technology
(c) 470.553.7197